In the words of the great Jeff Bowles, "Yeah... not so much."
Have you ever heard of the two "recipes" for fried chicken? Original and Extra Crispy? Well, if you like the original recipe you're in luck. The "new" Kentucky Grilled Chicken tastes and looks almost exactly like Original Recipe KFC. We were HIGHLY disappointed. Not only did KFC forget to give us our free piece (later we regretted going back up to the cashier to ask for the piece because it still sits in it's Styrofoam container in our fridge), but it was so greasy that we couldn't even finish off our value meal. Hence, not really that valuable of a meal.
My favorite quote from the night of our KFC experiment, from the guy who grew up eating "carrot dogs" instead of hot dogs: "I think you (Jennifer) just have an appetite for southern food. You really crave fried things, don't you?" He knows me so well....
Thursday, April 30, 2009
results are in
Posted by Jennifer at 6:28 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 27, 2009
dinner tonight?
Kentucky GRILLED Chicken?
I don't know if my brain can wrap around the possibility that the Colonel created something better than Kentucky FRIED Chicken.
We shall see.
Posted by Jennifer at 8:27 AM 0 comments
Saturday, April 25, 2009
el jardin
We've been outside all day! My hair-do would prove the humidity level and high winds, but I've somehow misplaced that picture... We did, however, take several pictures of our big project- the garden! We got a truck load of compost today from the city of Bentonville. Through the process of finding the composting facility we met a really nice guy named Jerry who told us all about everything (except how to actually find the composting facility). He gave us some helpful information about a vacant lot on 5th Street that is VERY appealing. More to come on that "project."
For now, check out these pictures of today's activities (taken from my camera phone):
Garden Day 1
Jake Unloading Compost
Garden Treasures- stuff we found hibernating in the weeds! Including, but of course not limited to: paint brush, halloween jack-o-lanter (probably from a string of lights), pottery sherds (hooray! flashbacks to Jordan!!), plastic cups, energy drink bottle, birdhouse, and a piece of carpet! For fear of decomposition issues, we removed these items.
Posted by Jennifer at 3:20 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 24, 2009
Twins. Take it or leave it.
Please keep my beautiful twin sister in your prayers- that her headaches would END!!! She's headed to LR today for acupuncture. ouch! Apparently it is supposed to help, according to her doctor at Mayo Clinic. Needles in the head always work... right?
Posted by Jennifer at 1:23 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Well, hello there!
The married blogging has begun! We started a blog because we know how fascinating it must be to be us. No. We kid. But really, there are just some things that can't go unwritten. Like, for instance, how we just became "rural" farm dwellers with zero (0) farming experience. (None needed, thanks to the Featherstons!) Or, how Jake is making waves in the green/sustainable building world. Or, how Jennifer can type like 150 words-per-minute, thanks to her expanding secretarial skillz. Or, how we/Jake built a garden and how Jennifer intends to feed the hungry from said garden (namely, Jake).
This blog is sure to amuse. And, as soon as I (Jennifer) decide that $40 is really not too bad of a deal, and buy a charger cable for my digital camera, we will be posting photos!!! Please, allow this to satisfy your hunger for now. Jake and my veil. Taken just about 6 months ago. That's right, folks! We're celebrating 6 months of married bliss this weekend!!
Posted by Jennifer at 1:13 PM 0 comments